Episode 17
You Were Called But Did You Answer?
The Parable of The Wedding Banquet - Matthew 22: 1-14. In this parable Jesus tells us that the invitation to his Kingdom is open to all, but not all will enter. With the gift of free will we have a choice to choose God, to choose Jesus. God calls all of us, but unfortunately not all of us answer the call. Some of us claim to have answered the call but our actions tell otherwise. Our God is a God of action. Faith without works is dead. James 14-26. We can show up for God by doing the work here and now. What are you doing with your talents, time and treasury? Are you using them to serve others? To further the Kingdom of God? God cannot be deceived, he knows you, he knows your heart and he knows if you're all about the words with no action. The guest who dared to enter without the proper attire is the one who is not cloaked in the salvation that comes with accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and/or is the one who does not practice what he preaches in the name of God (the hypocrite). We can all be invited guests with the proper attire if we recognize what the Lord is calling us to do - accept Jesus, serve the Lord first and treat your neighbors as you would yourself. It's just that simple. When you answer the call, the Holy Spirit will minister to you and you will have the influence of God in your present life. It is a struggle to be a good Christian in this world, but Jesus has already overcome the world for us, we just need to follow. Put faith in God's words "I will not leave you or forsake you" Deuteronomy 31:6 and you will never lack and you will have the robes of salvation.