Episode 21
Please Won't You Be My Neighbor?
The Parable of the Good Samaritan is found in Luke 10:25-37 and Jesus uses this parable to explain who qualifies as a "neighbor" in the context of the great commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself. Your neighborhood is as wide as Jesus' love and therefore your neighbor is everyone, but do you treat everyone as your neighbor? The Samaritan in the parable is the one who acted selflessly or kindly towards someone in need. The "Good Samaritan" was a good neighbor but there is no qualifier of "good" when Jesus tells this parable. The neighbor is the Samaritan and the others in the parable who just walked past the person in need were not being neighbors. Acting as the Samaritan/Neighbor is the commandment. What have you done for another in need recently? In a world that promotes a culture of being self-centered and looking out for yourself first, we have moved away from seeking out opportunities to be neighborly. Unlearning the ways of the world and being more Kingdom-minded will take work but it is a process worth doing for eternal life. Jesus will judge you on your actions at the end times and he has given us clear instructions on what to do and in this case, how to treat our neighbors. Today is the day to start changing your mindset and taking action. Make everyone your neighbor and care. Say hello to a new day, say Hello Neighbor.