Episode 11

Entanglements with Weeds

The Parable of the Wheat and Weeds can be found in Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43. In this parable the seeds of wheat are sown by the farmer and the enemy comes at night to sow seeds of weeds. The weeds are not immediately removed from among the wheat for fear that some wheat will also be removed with the weeds. Instead, at harvest time, wheat and weeds are separated. We learn from Jesus that while he sows good seeds for us to grow and flourish in this life and the next, the enemy is busy sowing weeds among us so that we become entangled with the unrighteous ways of the world. All of us will face temptation during our lifetime and if we become consumed with it, we will be consumed by it. We need to learn discernment and how to separate ourselves from the bad of this world. When it grows side by side with us or surrounds us, it will be hard for us to know what is good and bad. When people see you do they see wheat or weed? Are you so entangled that even you do not know the difference? Good news! We can turn to the word of God and the holy spirit for guidance in this world. Start the process of un-entanglement and make your way through redemption and salvation. You deserve to have joy and everlasting life.

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Treading Faith
Faith and Relationships

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Treading Faith

Philia - A Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Educator, and Sierra Leonean-American Daughter. Moved by the gift of Jesus Christ, Philia converted from Islam to Christianity and was baptized in 2019. Full of love and light, Philia is dedicated to loving all in need. Philia's giving heart ensures that her home is always full of those seeking shelter, warmth, healing and love, which she freely gives. Philia feels joy in diving deeper in her relationship with God and sharing her God given gifts, talents, and abilities with others. Her goal is to be a walking, living, breathing testimony of God's transformative power of love. The love of God shines brightly through Philia and anyone in her vicinity is drawn to that light.

Yemi - A native Brooklynite, Nigerian-American, Lawyer, Friend and Day One Christian. Yemi is a woman of passion and love for God. She takes time to understand life through the lens of her faith while finding most situations authored by God's comedy. Her desire to grow in faith came during her 2017-2018 episode of depression. She surrendered to God and felt peace in trusting in the Lord. God led her to start a live bible study and prayer call which flourished for two years with the help of her co-host Philia. Yemi desires to share her faith journey and struggles with everyone near and far. She relishes in the transformation and testimonies of others and her heart is most full when she is spreading love.